
Breakfast out this morning was a treat
Too much coffee
Long chats and a walk on the beach
I am beginning to love Breakfast meet ups,
You are simply more awake and have significantly more  time to chat!

We Brits seem to have inherited this wonderful phenomenon from the Yanks
Even a decade ago I remember Samantha, Carrie and Miranda meeting up in their local diner for fruit and cwafffeeee at some ungodly hour.
At least today it was after 9 am for me and a bit of plain black pudding was involved!

I'm tired at the corona virus panic
I've seen the yearly struggle of intensive care with influx of flu cases for a decade now and every year thousands nationally will die from the complications of the virus
Common sense needs to prevail

The restaurant I went to this morning was unusually quiet

At least we got a nice table

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