
 In a garden

Of daisies


And freesias

A pink



By a soft pashmina

Where dainty

Ballet flats

Are muddied


The desire

To become

One with

The flowers


Any notion

Of propriety

from R's rue


 In the quiet

Let me 

Be present

In the Presence

That brings peace

from R's rue


This is a song and a story from the north east of England - specifically the city of Sunderland and even more specifically The Wearmouth Bridge. It was there in 2018 that an eighteen year old girl called Paige Hunter wrestled with the possibility of killing herself.

At the age of fourteen, she had been raped by a stranger and ever after she lived in mental torment. Standing on that bridge she was coaxed  down by two men in a van. In effect they saved her life.

In the years that have followed, Paige has regularly returned to the  bridge in order to tie tiny notes to the structure - notes that encourage potentially suicidal people to stop and think again.

A local band called The Young 'Uns picked up Paige's story and turned it into a song called "Tiny Notes". This video gives a taste of the song as well as an interview with Paige Hunter. I guess a lot of suicides could be thwarted by kindness - by people reaching out. Very often you don't need to die - there's a way forward for those who live with despair...

from Yorkshire Pudding


The Northern Lights

Once in while, British news agencies will announce that something quite exciting is about to happen in the night sky. It might be a shower of meteors, a partial eclipse, an alignment of planets or maybe a glimpse of the northern lights above The North Pole - dancing as though in a discotheque.

Experience has taught me not to get very excited about these astral phenomena. Any time I have ever been out to look, my quest has ended miserably. Maybe it was to do with cloud cover, poor timing or simply failing to look in the correct segment of the night sky. Anyway, success has always eluded me.

Normally, I don't bother any more but on Friday night after Hull City had capitulated to Sheffield United live on Sky Sports, I decided to drive up to the moors beyond Ringinglow. The TV people had half promised that The Northern Lights might be visible in darkness, unpolluted by urban lighting.

So there I was, in blackness,  standing by my faithful car Clint looking towards the northern skies at 22.30 hrs.. There was light out there  but nothing that might resemble the famous natural light show. I tried to take some photographs but it was hopeless as you can see from my surreal picture which quite ironically I have titled "The Northern Lights".

In future, I think I will be best just ignoring any news about the heavens above. Instead, I will simply look up from time to time to see what I can see. I don't need any names or signs, co-ordinates or constellations. After all, the beauty of a clear night sky in velvet darkness is enough on its own. Stars behind stars reaching as far back as we  can imagine. One of the amazing sights that looks upon us as we progress through these very short lives.

from Yorkshire Pudding


Coffee and music

Are my companions 

This rainy morning

Thankful that 

Life is beautiful 

With my family


And peace

Is within

from R's rue


Good news needs spreading around. There's too much bad news these days. I am sure that several visitors  will have heard this news item from Nashville, Tennessee. It happened on Tuesday evening and it involved the rock star - Jon Bov Jovi.

He and his band were filming on The Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge when they became aware that a woman in a distressed state was standing on the bridge's parapet threatening to jump.

Jon Bon Jovi and his assistant sidled up to the scene and gently set about talking the woman to safety. Fortunately, they succeeded and afterwards the rock star comforted the woman with a warm hug.

I should say that at its highest point the bridge is only sixteen feet tall so it is very likely that the woman would not have been killed it she had jumped. Her mind must have been in a terrible state of confusion. In fact, looking at her blue outfit, I wonder if she had recently been under medical supervision.

My impression is that Jon Bon Jovi is one of the good guys. He has done various other kind and charitable things in his life as a rock star - including improving housing projects, supporting veterans, funding soup kitchens for the needy and raising money for disaster relief in Haiti.

Good lad Jon! You didn't walk on by.

from Yorkshire Pudding

Cape days

 Thinking back

On travel

From years

Gone by

The seaside days

Savoring buttered 


And red potatoes


In pinks


And the lightest

Sky blues

Striped swimwear

Linen coverups



And sated

In summer sun

Cape days

The soul aglow

In natural bliss

Set off 

By the scent

Of Hawaiian Tropic

from R's rue